5 Questions to Ask Before a Transmission Rebuild

A Ralph's technician works on a part that is separated from the vehicle.If your auto mechanic is recommending a transmission rebuild, it’s important to understand as much as you can about the process before you authorize the work to be done. Here are 5 of the best questions you should ask when your auto shop recommends a transmission rebuild?

1. Are You Rebuilding or Replacing My Transmission?

Most automotive dealerships and many general auto repair shops may recommend a complete transmission replacement rather than a transmission rebuild. They might be using a brand new unit, a used unit that is still in working condition, or an already rebuilt/refurbished transmission that matches your vehicle. However, this is usually because they don’t have the resources or skills to perform a full custom transmission rebuild in their own shop. It’s easier for them to simply replace the unit rather than rebuilding it. This could end up costing you more money. You will want to understand the exact service they are recommending, whether it’s a transmission repair, rebuild or replacement.

2. Who is Rebuilding My Transmission?

A transmission repair specialist may offer transmission rebuilds as part of their service menu. That does not necessarily they are performing the work in-house. They may send it out to a rebuild specialist, which will likely take longer to complete. The transmission would have to be removed from your vehicle, sent off to somewhere else, rebuilt, sent back, reinstalled and tested. Other transmission specialty shops like Ralph’s Transmission perform the rebuild in-house and have transmission rebuild experts on staff specifically for this service. This may offer a bit more peace of mind knowing who is doing the work and that the process will be done faster without so much shipping back and forth. A bonus question here might be “How long will it take?”

3. How is the Transmission Rebuild Process Completed?

It’s a good idea to understand all the steps involved in a full transmission rebuild. Not every shop or transmission rebuild specialist will use the exact same procedures. At Ralph’s Transmission, our service staff will walk you through the process and timeline, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about the service. If you would like to read more about our transmission rebuild process, click here.

4. Is There a Transmission Rebuild Warranty?

You will definitely want to ask if there is a warranty attached to your transmission rebuild. A rebuilt or refurbished transmission from another provider may come with some sort of coverage, as will a brand new replacement unit. A transmission rebuilt in-house by a transmission rebuild specialist should come with a warranty. Just know that not all warranties are the same. They will vary from shop to shop. Ralph’s Transmission offers an industry-leading 3 Year, 100,000 Mile Warranty on all transmission rebuilds. If you experience any transmission problems within that coverage period, you can bring your vehicle back to our shop and we’ll take care of any issues.

5. What is the Recommended Maintenance Schedule?

A properly rebuilt transmission should run like new again, but it does need to be serviced periodically. You will need to replace the transmission fluid, filter and pan gasket. This service is generally recommended every 30,000-60,000 miles depending on the age, make and model of the transmission. A rebuilt transmission does not mean you should ignore basic maintenance needs. Taking care of it will ensure it lasts longer and performs better for many years to come.

To learn more about our transmission rebuilds and warranty program at Ralph’s Transmission—or to book a free transmission inspection—call us today at 209.526.1909 or schedule your service appointment online.

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