Transmission Repair in Modesto and Maintenance Tips

One of the most important things you can do to ensure the longest life and best value out of your vehicle is to study your owner’s manual. Inside this handy little booklet, you will discover everything you need to keep your vehicle running at peak efficiency.

Your owner’s manual lets you know when to have the oil changed, how to change the wiper blades and when to have your transmission serviced. It will also show you fluid levels and where to find things so you can check on them regularly.

Ralph’s transmission, your transmission repair shop in Modesto, offers maintenance tips that will save money and keep your vehicle running for a long time.

Air Filter

The air filter, regardless of your mechanical knowledge, is something anyone can replace. Replacing your air filter requires no tools and is very inexpensive.

When your filter gets clogged up with dirt and debris, your fuel mileage can drop by as much as 10 percent. This adds up to roughly 15 cents a gallon. In addition, a dirty air filter causes your vehicle to work harder and will shorten its lifespan.

Check your owner’s manual to see how often you should change it.

Oil Changes

The lifeblood of all vehicles is oil. Engines have changed a lot over the years. What was once a job to be done every 3,000 miles has changed to every 5,000 or more in some cases. There are different viscosity, grades and weights of oil, which might confuse some people. But what you need to use in your vehicle can be found in the owner’s manual.


The tires on your vehicle meet with a lot of things in your travels including boards, nails, rocks, branches and other debris. This type of debris can damage or even destroy your tires. Tires aren’t inexpensive and you will want them to last as long as possible. There are a few things you can do to get better gas mileage and ensure your tires last a long time.

All tires will lose air naturally, so you need to be checking the tire inflation quite often. Research shows that tires can lose up to two pounds of pressure a month. For this reason, make sure they are properly inflated.

Fluid Levels

Every vehicle has their own maintenance schedule and following this will positively impact the life of your car. Checking fluids is simple and a very effective way to maintain the health of your car.

Check your owner’s manual to learn how to check the wiper fluid, oil level antifreeze and power steering fluid.


The transmission is one component of a vehicle that is often ignored until something is amiss. If you neglect to have your transmission serviced for too long, you will wind up stranded and having to have your car towed.

The transmission should be serviced by a professional who knows what they are doing. Check your owner’s manual to see how often or at what mileage you should have your transmission checked.

And when that time comes, give Ralph’s Transmission a call.

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